La Contenta  Results

                                        Saturday October 15, 2005

                                                   Medal Tournament

                                                                    23 Players

  Name                            Place             Tourny$        Gross             Net                   TieBreaker:

  Chris  Hobson                        1                     $45.00             93                66

  Howard  Seaton                      2                     $40.00             91                67

  Jim  Joelson                           3                     $35.00             77                71            36 last nine

  Gary  Kodani                          4                      $0.00             85                71            37 last nine

  * Note: for an explanation of the NCGA method used to break ties see the Members page of the

  Pinseekers website.



Skins - No Stroke Limit

  Name                     Hole            Par         Score          -Hdcp             Net                    Skins$

  Howard  Seaton              2                 3           Birdie                -1                Eagle                     $20.00

  Phil  Hollingshead             4                 3           Birdie                -1                Eagle                     $20.00

  Ken  Parks                     7                 5           Eagle                -1                Double Eaqle            $20.00

  Bill  Valentine                 13                3           Par                   -2                Eagle                     $20.00

  Malcolm  Morgan             14                5           Eagle                 0                Eagle                     $20.00

  Bill  Hinshaw                  17                4           Birdie                -1                Eagle                     $20.00




Closest to the Pin

  Name                                      Hole                           Distance                                   Close$

  John  Mooney                                  8                              35 feet                                          $15.00

  Bill  Valentine                                  13                              17 feet 8 inches                               $15.00